Fort Follies Events Calendar
See our upcoming events calendar below. These events are open to all women (regardless of the sex they were identified as at birth) and non-binary cyclists who feel most comfortable in fem spaces; this in includes members of the team and members of the community.
The leadership team has gone back and forth this season about whether to have our rides allow for coed riders. We have decided to officially make our rides not coed unless specifically stated (like the family ride that we hosted recently). Other rides that may be coed would be if the Fort Follies collaborate on leading a ride with a group like Queer+ Bikes, who are open to cis, trans men. We know many people have lovely partners and friends that would be perfectly friendly and supportive people to ride with, but we don't want to assume everyone who shows up on our rides, or are leading our rides, are comfortable with a coed group ride. Our first priority is to make a special space for WTFNB (women, trans femme, and non-binary) riders in our community, and we feel this is the easiest way to consistently achieve that. Thanks for your understanding.
For all of all events please bring a bike in good working condition, a helmet, clothing and gear appropriate for the weather, water, snacks, tools and supplies to fix your own bike, and access to the route planned for the event.
All event attendees are required to completed our waiver.
To add these events to your google calendar, subscribe using this link:
Public Events (may be Follies hosted or other community events)

No Fears Just Gears: Bike Maintenance Class
No Fears Just Gears Bike Clinic presented by Whitney Allison and Kat Steele
Part of the International Women’s Day Women and Femme Empowerment Day at New Belgium Brewery

FoCo Fondo March Training Ride
The FoCo Fondo kicking off in-person rides with this one- come on out to meet and ride with new people!
Looking for some non-bro energy? Come find some Follies to ride with! There are lots of us at each Fondo training ride.
The ride departs from New Belgium Brewing at 10am.

Galentine's Ride
🥧 Savannah Russell will be leading a Galentine's Ride on February 16th, leaving from Wolverine Farm at 10am.

February FoCo Fondo Long On-your-own Route
Kat Steele will be leading this route at a 13-15 mph pace. Make sure to keep an eye on the weather and plan on bundling up! Meet at New Belgium at 8:30 am.

Winter Bike to Work Day
Come say hi at our stop at Incycle North at the corner of Mason and Laurel!

February FoCo Fondo Short On-your-own Route
Lisa Rephlo will be leading this route at a 10-13 mph pace. Make sure to keep an eye on the weather and plan on bundling up! Meet at New Belgium at 10 am.

January FoCo Fondo On-your-own Long Route
Kat Steele will be leading a group on this course, planning on stopping in Greeley at WeldWorks for lunch. She will be riding at a 13-15 mph pace.
Lisa Rephlo will be attending the ride as well, planning on doing 15-20 miles out and back from the start of the route. She will be riding at a 10-13 mph pace.
Everyone should meet at New Belgium at 8:30 am.

Taco & Mural Tour
Join the Fort Follies for Tour de Taco. We'll be visiting 5 taco spots, taken from the winners of the Coloradoan's "Taco Bracket" competition. Each of them offer vegetarian or vegan options. I was not able to verify gluten free, but most listed corn tortillas as options. Single tacos at each place range from 3 to 7 dollars. We'll be hitting them in the order listed below, and if the weather cooperates, we'll take the long way back to the start via the Poudre and Spring Creek Trails, for a total of 9.5 miles.
Sunday, November 10th, 11am.
Meet at Taqueria Los Comales 111 W. Prospect Rd
Pace will be 10-12 mph and any bike will work.
1 - Taqueria Los Comales
2 - DGT Tacos
Pit stop at incycle North
3 - Uno Mas Taqueria
4 - Vatos Tacos
5 - Illegal Pete's

Picture Rock MTB Ride
Come ride with the Fort Follies at Heil Valley Ranch on the Picture Rock Trail. This is a blue trail so some experience is required. Click to sign up via EventBrite

Road Ride to Owl Canyon Coffee
Let's ride north to Owl Canyon Coffee! This is a 14-15mph road ride with 38 miles and 1000 feet of elevation gain. This is a no drop ride but come prepared to ride at that pace. We'll be stopping mid-ride in Wellington to get coffee! Follies and fem riders welcome.

Thursday MTB Rides
Our last Thursday MTB ride will be September 26th.
We will be taking turns with Overland MTB Association (OMBA) to lead these over the summer. The goal is for the ride to always be beginner-friendly, and if there are enough people in attendance that would like to do a more advanced ride then we will split up into two groups!

Our last Weepeats will be September 25th
Wednesday Night Weepeats with the Follies is starting back up again on May 1st! We meet at Fresh Foods Market (what was previously Beaver's Market) at 5:45 every week. We roll out at conversation pace and typically do about an hour of hill repeats. We are usually on Bingham Hill, but occasionally switch it up.

Tour de Ice Cream
It still feels like summer out so let's do a tour of Fort Collins ice cream stops!

Women's Ride to Glen Haven
Let's ride up to Glen Haven and stop for their famous cinnamon rolls! We will have three route options, 67, 80, and 100 miles, all of which have a lot of miles and climbing, so make sure you come prepared for that! Meet at the Spring Canyon Dog Park at 7:30 am. This ride is open to all fem riders. If you’re not a registered Fort Follies member, please fill out our waiver before attending (found at the top of our Events page).

Adventure MTB Ride with OMBA
Come ride with the women of Fort Follies and Overland MTB Association (OMBA) at Buffalo Creek Trail System, located near Conifer, Colorado.

Tour de France Femme Finale Watch Party + Ride
Watch the finale of the 3rd Tour de France Femmes at 11:30 am at Road34 Bike Bar. This is open to the public so please bring family and friends! We’ll have a raffle that’s open to everyone that attends.
Follies and fem ride at 9 am leaving from Road34 - 23 miles of paved roads with dedicated ride leaders.

Adventure MTB Ride with OMBA
Come ride with the women of Fort Follies and Overland MTB Association (OMBA) at Trestle Bike Park, located in Winter Park Ski Resort.

Coffee Social Ride
Let’s start at Arboretum Coffee for some drinks and snacks before a chill social ride! Cyclists get 10% your order at Arboretum. We’ll be riding 13.7 miles on the bike trails and any type of bike will work!
Meet at Arboretum at 8:15am and we’ll start riding at 9am.

Let’s gravel ride in the dark!
The full moon fell on the FoCo Fondo weekend, so let’s just go ride in the dark!

Adventure MTB Ride with OMBA
Come ride with the women of Fort Follies and Overland MTB Association (OMBA) at Picture Rock Trail, located in Lyons, Colorado.

Early Bird Coffee Ride
Starting from Spring Canyon Park north parking lot, over to the Raptor’s observatory via Fossil Creek Trail, eventually connecting to Mason Trail to take us to the Arboretum Coffee Shop ( we get 10% off if for riding our bikes!). Bring a travel mug if you need to run right after, or we can sit and sip!!

Sunday Funday Poudre Trail
Come explore the Poudre Trail Connector with us! We plan on starting in Windsor and riding the trail as an out-and-back towards Greeley.

4th of July MTB Ride at Bobcat Ridge
We will ride together to the start of the Bobcat Ridge DR trail at mile 3 or so, then we can all ride up DR for an hour at our own pace, so if you don't want to climb a lot you don't have to, and if you do there is plenty to do. We'll meet back up at the same point and ride back to the parking lot.

City Streets Criterium
Come join in on some local, grassroots racing at the City Streets Criterium! This year there is a super exciting prize purse for people who compete in at least 3 of the 4 race nights!

Women's Grassroots Race Nights
Come try out 3 different race disciplines this summer! All women race for free at each event regardless of team affiliation.
May 21st, June 13th, and June 25th

Adventure gravel ride in Red Feather Lakes
Come out for some big, beautiful hills out around Red Feather Lakes!
Meet at Beavers at 7:45 for carpool, leaving at 8am

Adventure MTB Ride with OMBA
Come ride with the women of Fort Follies and Overland MTB Association (OMBA) at Curt Gowdy, located in Wyoming west of Cheyenne. Sign up for free via Eventbrite

Full Moon Solstice Ride
Come ride some full moon + solstice gravel with us; Midsummer and Stonehenge themes welcomed! June 21st at 8:00 pm, rolling from Beaver's/Fresh Food Market at Shields and Mountain.

Saturday Gravel Ride
Come out for an intermediate+ gravel endurance ride up to the Park Creek Reservoir! The route leader will be averaging a 16mph pace for around 60 miles, so this ride is for cyclists who have experience riding 50+ miles at a faster pace. Gravel bikes are required.
Route: Park Creek Gravel
There are no water stops on this route, so please bring plenty of water and food!
If you don’t want to do the full 65 miles but would like a group to ride with at a faster pace you’re welcome to join for as much of the ride as you’d like! This is an out and back for a lot of the ride, so easy to turn around if you feel like it. This ride is for WTFNB (women, trans fem, and non-binary) riders.
Meet at New Belgium Brewing at 9am on Saturday June 15th.

Foco Fondo X Fort Follies Women's Gravel Clinic
Clinic Day: Saturday, June 8 at New Belgium Brewing short track
9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Skills Clinic with Starla Teddergreen, Hannah Shell, Kristen Arnold, and Whitney Allison
12:30 - 1:30 pm - Lunch Breakout Sessions
Nutrition and Cycling as a Woman: Kristen Arnold
Mechanics: Ready for Race Day: Lauren Nagle
2:00 - 4:00 pm - Q&A Panel with Instructors + happy hour
First come, first serve for 50 participants! Register here!
Cost: $20 (If cost is an issue, please contact Janna at fortfollies@gmail.com)
Questions: fortfollies@gmail.com
Join the Fort Follies
The Fort Follies are a group that seeks to empower women in the Fort Collins area to be active and impactful members of our cycling community through riding, racing, and philanthropy. We strongly believe in a positive, supportive, and inclusive team, suited for women of all abilities and disciplines.