We want to take a minute to talk about group riding, not only to keep the team up to date, but to also let the community know what they can expect from us. These rules are intended to keep everyone safe and encourage new riders to keep riding with us, and by riding with the Fort Follies all of our riders agree to adhere to these principles. In fact, if someone on the team isn’t riding safe it is encouraged to call it out so that we can all keep each other safe. Group riding is serious business, no matter the pace or location.
These rules are adopted from the Your Group Ride version of Group Ride Code of Conduct published in 2015.
COnversational Pace Riding
Obey all of the rules of the road.
Do not cross the center line under any circumstances.
The entire group should ride as far to the right, using as much of the shoulder, as is considered safe.
Riders at the back must make the group aware of approaching cars (“car back”). When riders hear that signal they need to single-up or double-up as quickly as possible. It is reasonable to stay doubled-up if the car can pass safely.
The first riders through an intersection can communicate to the group to proceed through or stop. “Clear” or “stopping”. Each rider is encouraged to assess the situation and decide for themselves if they think it is safe to continue through the intersection.
Riders at the front need to make riders aware of oncoming cars (“car up”), oncoming runners (“runner up”), and slower riders being overtaken.
Riders at the front need to call out significant hazards on the road both verbally and by pointing.
Sometimes the group will get split up at intersections and lights. If so, the front group will wait for the second group to rejoin before continuing. There is no need to rush through to stay with the group or catch up.
Most of the conversational pace riding rules listed above are applicable in a technical group riding environment, with #5 and #8 being slightly different.
Technical group riding
If you and/or other riders are on/or over the yellow line, start a second echelon immediately.
The first riders through an intersection must make sure it is clear for the entire group to proceed through or stop. “Clear” or “stopping”.
The first riders turning across a traffic lane must make sure it is safe for the entire group to make it across or wait.
Consider whether the location of your attack will encourage riders to put themselves in harm’s way (busy highways, over blind hills, controlled intersections, blind curves…). It is never acceptable to attack over the center line or on a busy highway.
If a separation happens for any reason not related to the actual ride, (stop lights, stop sign or roundabout) it is common practice to allow the chase group to reestablish the gap before proceeding. Leaders staying on the gas in these circumstances encourages riders to take unnecessary risks. The same applies if a breakaway is delayed.
For obvious reasons, no riding in aerobars or using earbuds.
General Group Riding Conduct
Do not leave trash of any kind along the route. Pack out peels, wrappers, and tubes.
Whether it be in person or via social media (in person is better), keep complaints about riders/rides constructive.
Be supportive of new riders and don’t get your feelings hurt if someone offers you some tips.
Be a kind and courteous cyclist when you’re out representing the Fort Follies. We are all part of the cycling community in Fort Collins/northern Colorado.
No matter how competitive (or not!) a group ride may be, remember it is just that a group ride and there is never an excuse to put another rider at risk of injury. We ride on open roads and mistakes can lead to life changing injuries or even death. The only way to keep group rides safe and not have conflict with motorists is for the group to police itself. When you join a ride you are signing an unwritten agreement to ride in a safe manner. If you cannot accept the responsibility to help keep other riders safe do not join a group ride with the Follies or anyone else. Being part of a group ride is a privilege and comes with responsibilities. The safety and image of the ride, the Follies, and the entire cycling community falls on you when you attend group rides.
Check out the Rules of the Road and Trail by Bicycle Colorado to read more about safety practices to keep in mind as a cyclist.